Follow Your Dreams... They May Become Your Reality

As a child I hated having my hair washed at the salon. It was uncomfortable and it stressed me out. I used to think that there should be something that could make the neck rest area more comfortable. Its funny to me now but I felt that maybe someday I would design something for it.

As an adult the salon experience has become more of an issue for me since being in an auto accident where my neck incurred two fairly major injuries. I have two bulging disks (C5, C6) which have made hair washing at the salon unbearable. I can't relax to save my life because of my injury. I wring my hands in my lap like I am at the dentist. Its awful!

Basin Bliss Hair Salon Neck Rest has been on the design block for years. Through trial and error and many testers we have come up with a fully functional, easy to use neck support cushion for all hair salon shampoo sinks, bowls and basins.

I hope your experience with our products is fabulous!
